April Sets Revenue Record at Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: April 27th, 2006

Industry wide, April is typically a slow month for computer repair. For the past three years, Schrock Innovations has braced for a slow April as people get out in their yards, start taking their children to practices, and generally spend less time at home in front of their PCs.

This April has been very different. There were two massive spyware outbreaks with the SpyFalcon and MoviePass infections that caused annoying pop ups and threatened to damage consumer’s credit reports. Additionally, the sudden increase in computers with the “missing windows/system32/config/system” error brought us a workload that we haven’t seen in many moons.

On top of that, we also launched sales and authorized two week-long vacations for staff members this month in anticipation of slow business. Needless to say, we were absolutely clobbered this month. The good news is that the record sales burst has allowed us to explore a radically new way of repairing PCs that at worst gives us a new support tool, and at best could revolutionize the way we fix computers.

All of the above is my round about way of apologizing for not keeping the websites and blog as updated as I should. I will be working through the backlog of tutorial requests, blog entries, and other number crunching as fast as I can. Keep visiting our websites, and thank you to those who have provided feedback from places as far away as Ontario and the United Kingdom.

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