Schrock Innovations Spring Newsletter Off to the Presses

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  • Written on: May 15th, 2006

Our second newsletter of the year has been printed and is ready to be mailed. Keep your eyes on your mailboxes in Nebraska and Iowa next week because this newsletter has more tips and coupons than ever!

For our spring newsletter we are (appropriately so) featuring the the top myths about surge protectors. For example, did you know that it is better to have no surge protector hooked up to your computer than to have a damaged one that *might* be good?

The Lovely Kimberly also has some OUTSTANDING websites to keep your kids busy while they are on Summer break. She has assembled a list of sites that they can visit to learn new games they can play outside, rather than vegging on the computer all day.

If you are a customer of Schrock Innovations you are already in our mailing list to receive the newsletter. If you are not, we will be posting the newsletter on our website about one week after the mail piece starts to hit.

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