Schrock Innovations Spring Newsletter in the Mail

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: May 24th, 2006

The Schrock Innovations newsletter has started to hit the homes of our customers (I received mine yesterday). If you have not received yours yet, or you are not on the Schrock mailing list, you can download and read an electronic copy at

The newsletter is in PDF format, so you will need Adobe’s Acrobat Reader to open it. You can download Acrobat free on the Adobe website at

In this quarter’s newsletter you can read the Lovely Kimberly’s kids summer activity article to learn where your kids can go online to find games that will get them outside to play. There are also tips and articles on keeping your computer running smooth. Oh… and did I mention the $25 dollar coupon? We can’t forget the coupon, now can we!

Ok, and for the academically astute among us, we know there were a couple spelling errors in the newsletter, but if you feel you must point them out, feel free to comment below. I am not a world-class speller, but I promise to do better next quarter 🙂

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