Time to add a New Schrock to our Household

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: August 2nd, 2006

For those of you who are not aware, my wife and I are in the process of adopting. We received a call last Thursday from a birthmother in Hastings, NE who was due that day with a baby boy. Our birthmother found us on our open adoption website and after a long conversation, she decided to place her baby with our family for adoption!

We received a call today that she was going into labor and that we needed to get to Hastings as soon as possible. When we arrived we had the opportunity to meet her in person, speak with her parents and meet a number of her friends. We prayed with her preacher and friends and spent 6 hours talking, laughing, and counting contractions.

As I write this, Kim and I have checked in at the Holiday Inn in Hastings to catch some sleep while there is still time to! I will post more information here when our baby boy is born, and of course pictures will follow.

We are so glad that we kicked the Independent Adoption Center to the curb and did this on our own!

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Our Open Adoption

    Kim and I are seeking to adopt another child through Open Adoption. If you know of a birth mother seeking a stable, loving family in Nebraska, please direct her to our website at nebraskaopenadoption.com.

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