A Patch a Day Keeps the Viruses Away

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: August 9th, 2006

Microsoft released 12 new security updates on Tuesday, and the Department of Homeland Security is urging Windows users to install them as quickly as possible to plug a new security vulnerability similar to the one that the MS-Blaster virus exploited.

Homeland Security is urging Windows users to install Microsoft’s MS06-040 patch as soon as possible. Viruses that exploit RPC vulnerabilities like MS Blaster did tend to cut through antivirus programs like Swiss cheese, resulting in a potentially hefty repair bill.

Microsoft has already reported that the exploit is being used to begin infecting computers, and some security companies have already started making tools that will help you determine if your computer has been patched or not.

Microsoft partnered with Homeland Security to issue this recent security alert, and noted that users of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 should be protected by the Windows Firewall from this threat. However, many people have disabled the Windows Firewall to facilitate other home networking or connectivity goals.

I STRONGLY recommend that any Windows XP user immediately download and install all critical Microsoft patches to avoid the fallout from this security loophole. When the Blaster virus hit last year, there were alerts in newspapers, on the national news, and from computer experts around the globe, yet many people did not heed those warnings and we met quite a few of them in our Service Centers.

You can obtain the free updates from the Windows Update website.

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