MoviePass Malware Infection is Replaced by

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: August 11th, 2006

Easton Herd and Andrew Garroni, the men behind the MoviePass spyware infection, have spun their software off under a new name in an attempt to lure more unsuspecting victims into 3-day trials of the new Download Manager service. You can view complete removal instructions on the Schrock Innovations website.

MoviePass has earned a reputation across the Internet as deceptive software that collected unreasonable information about the computers on which it was installed. The MoviePass software was distributed by luring visitors with a free 3-day trial of the movie and video download service. If the user failed to cancel their subscription before the end of the trial, they would be billed for the service whether they wanted it or not. Those who refused to pay were haunted by near continuous pop-up messages that plagued their PCs and slowed their productivity.

Now that MoviePass is even getting some attention from the California Attorney Generals’ Office, it may be proving too hot to handle. The software’s conversion to the name marks the third such transition in less that 3 years.

We have seen our first case of a infection, and thankfully it is so similar to MoviePass that the removal procedure is almost identical. You can view complete removal instructions on the Schrock Innovations website.

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