Why Businesses Can’t Ignore Their Websites – a LIBA Presentation

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  • Written on: August 11th, 2006

Schrock Innovations is sponsoring August’s LIBA Lunch meeting next Tuesday. I will be addressing the membership about the often underestimated value of a website as part of a well rounded marketing plan. I also had a corresponding article published as part of this month’s LIBA Magazine that is mailed to the membership.

Although the majority of my prepared remarks have been ready for well over 2 weeks, I will have an 8 lb 12 oz. helper who will help me drive home the value of a well constructed and deployed website.

My wife and I adopted our son, Jacob nine days ago. Jacob’s birthmother found us by doing a Google web search for Nebraska Open Adoption. Our website was the first result – ranking higher than adoption.com and the state of Nebraska adoption pages.

After Jacob’s birthmother looked over our website, she decided to give us a call and introduce herself. We were shocked and thrilled that our website had attracted a birthmother for us. In fact, at first we thought this was some sort of scam. Our fears proved to be unfounded and 8 days later we were parents.

Now when prospective clients mention Search engine Optimization, I smile and tell them if it was good enough to get me my son, it should be good enough to generate a few sales leads for your company too.

Steve Pederson is the guest speaker at the luncheon on Tuesday. I strongly encourage LIBA members to attend the lunch if possible this month. Steve plans on giving us a Husker update, which should be interesting given all of the recent excitement on the team.

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