Schrock Innovations Modifies E-Waste Recycling Program

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: August 16th, 2006

As many of you heard, Schrock Innovations began accepting E-waste (old computers and computer equipment) at no cost early this month from businesses and consumers. Many people believe that we are making a profit on sending E-Waste to recycling facilities, despite my comments to the contrary.

Unfortunately circumstances which I did not anticipate are forcing us to make changes to our recycling program. Some of these situations include two of our local Lincoln competitors who took advantage of our recycling program by dropping more than 10 truckloads of computer waste in front of our door in the dead of night. Additionally, we have had two prowlers and two attempted burglaries in the past week alone. Because of situations like this, we must take steps to limit the scope of what we will accept in our recycling program.

1) Effective immediately, Schrock Innovations will accept a maximum of 20 items of computer waste per household per year for recycling.

2) While we will still accept computers and peripherals at no cost, we must charge $15 per monitor that we accept. Again, I will stress that we are not charging money to make a profit. It costs Schrock Innovations about $15 per monitor we accept to transport it and turn it over to a recycling company. We originally had a budget for E-waste, but the sudden middle-of-the-night influxes of equipment have exhausted the funds we had set aside for recycling.

3) We can no longer accept E-waste after business hours. We are open Monday – Friday from 10 – 6 and Saturday from 12-5. We are closed on Sunday. In addition, we have been forced to install a closed circuit camera to record the vehicle makes, models and license plate numbers of those who are dropping off equipment at our office.

4) Our recycling program is now restricted to consumers only. We will accept equipment from businesses, but a fee will be charged.

Since the start of the month, we have already shipped tons (and I mean that literally) of E-waste for recycling, and we are glad to provide this service to all consumers. I personally regret that we must now charge for recycling monitors. There always seems to be a few bad apples that spoil things for the rest of us, and I guess this is just another example.

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