Word 2000 Users – Be Careful or Be Infected NOW

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: September 5th, 2006

A previously unknown security flaw in Microsoft Word 2000 was discovered today as malicious attackers used it to execute code on infected computers. The vulnerability only impacts computers running Windows 2000 AND Microsoft Word 2000.

The Trojan MDropper.Q virus started exploiting the security flaw on Tuesday and uses a 2-step assault to take control of a computer.
The virus uses the security vulnerability in Microsoft Word vulnerability to place a second Trojan virus on your computer, Backdoor.Femo.

To complete the infection process, the computer user must open a Word document that is infected with the Trojan MDropper.Q virus on a computer running Windows 2000 and Word 2000.

As this was just discovered today, Microsoft has not released a patch as of now for this problem. The software giant suggested that users who are running Windows and Word 2000 do not open documents that appear to have been sent by someone they do not know.

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