Nebraska’s Lee Terry and the Colbert Report

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: October 17th, 2006

With all of the talk about the bad things you can find on, I thought I would find something funny and entertaining that would show you how this technology can be used to entertain as well.

The Colbert report is a news-like show on Comedy Central that takes the news of the day and addresses complex issues tongue-in-cheek.

In this episode, Colbert hosts Nebraska District 2 Congressional Representative, Lee Terry. This one is pretty funny, so take a few minutes to have a look!

YouTube has been in the news quite a bit lately. First, Google has offered to purchase YouTube and assimilate it into its own collective consciousness. (Resistance is futile).

But more importantly there have been numerous news reports about kids posting inappropriate videos advocating violence, bad behavior, promiscuity, and other vices than many adults would rather not have YouTube providing a venue for.

While YouTube has been quick to eliminate any inappropriate videos that are brought to its attention, many people are learning how convenient it can be to have a place to upload and share video content like family movies, television advertisements, and individual rants.

It is true that for every interesting thing you find on YouTube, there are a dozen dumb videos, but sometimes the hunt is worth the while!

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