The 10 Days of Home Edition Version 2 – Automatic Updating is NICE!

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: February 16th, 2007

This post is the third in a 10-post series about the all-new version 2 of the Maintenance Checkup Home Edition (MCHE) computer maintenance software from Schrock Innovations. You can win a FREE 2-year subscription by simply posting a comment on any of the MCHE posts. Only one free subscription will be given away, so post multiple comments or questions with your valid email address to increase your odds of winning!

The most critical component of any security software is an accurate and up-to-date malware detection database. Even the best security program is worthless if it does not stay current with the latest threats to your security and privacy.

The 2005 version of the Maintenance Checkup Home Edition (MCHE) did this by prompting you to update if new updates were available. Each time you updated with the 2005 version, it downloaded all detections for all infections, every time.

While the all-new version 2 of the MCHE is also heavily dependent on updates to keep you protected, it considers an update to be just that – an update to its existing database of malware infections. The MCHE now only downloads the information it does not already know from our update server. This means your updates are smaller and consequently they complete faster.

Version 2 of the MCHE also looks at the update process in a slightly different way than its predecessor. If you elect to participate, your copy of the new MCHE version 2 can teach our update server about each malware infection you remove. If the MCHE program on your computer learns something we did not already have in our update database, that knowledge is sent to our update server and then shared with all other subscribers within 24 hours. In essence, the MCHE will now teach itself to better detect malware threats as time goes on. Of course, no personally identifiable information is included with the malware information, and your privacy is completely protected at all times.

Even though there is a lot of talking going on between the MCHE and our update server during the update process, our talented software engineers have left enough room in the pipeline to allow the MCHE to backup your personal usage statistics and settings as well. This helps you install the MCHE on a new computer should you replace your current PC. All you have to do is install the MCHE on the new PC and enter your receipt ID to instantly have all of your previous settings, exclusions, and subscription information set up on your new computer.

The greatest drawback of the 2005 version of the MCHE was that you had to remember to download the updates yourself. That issue has been resolved in version 2 of the MCHE and now the program will automatically update itself every 24 hours with the latest new program files, detections, and late-breaking knowledge from other MCHE users. Of course you can still run a manual update, but in case you forget to do so, this version of the MCHE has that base covered.

Check back tomorrow to learn how the unique subscription concept behind version 2 of the MCHE ensures that you are always running the latest edition of our software, no matter when you purchased your copy.

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