Great Learning Opportunity at PMMOL Nebraska Seminar Last Night

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: March 29th, 2007

Last night I attended the People Making Money Online Meetup at Wilderness Ridge in Lincoln. Jeremy “Shoemoney” Shoemaker was the featured speaker on the subject of Search Engine Optimization and You. Jeremy is a top rated blogger in the field and is extremely knowledgeable on the cutting edge trends in online promotion.

It is rare that you can attend a Shoemoney event for less than $2,000 and a plane ticket to a nice destination, so being able to attend a local event in Lincoln, NE was an opportunity I could not pass up.

A lot of the techniques that Jeremy covered are things that the Schrock Innovations Web Development Team already employs for our website customers, however there were a few new things I learned that can really make a difference in a hard-fought race for a top search engine ranking position.

For example, if you own a website and you are not taking advantage of the social networking sites out there like, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. I had experienced some of the weight that Google gives to MySpace profiles first hand, but I had no idea that weight extended to other social sites like for example.

A great example that solidifies the point happened to me last week. I posted a single line in my MySpace blog that said click here to read my real blog. The link redirected visitors back to this blog. Within 24 hours both Google and Technorati picked up the backlink and counted it instantly! Needless to say, I will be doing pages on as many social websites as I can get my hands on.

Another great point that Jeremy brought up was that it is easy to get so caught up in competing for Search Engine Results Positions (SERPs) against others in your field, that you may not stop to ask yourself which of your pages Google gives the greatest weight to.

For example, a search on Google for results reports back that the home page of my blog is the page on my site that Google gives the most weight to – exactly as it should. If the results would have reported that some secondary page like my site map or an archives page was ranked higher, I might want to use my robots.txt file to prohibit Google from indexing those pages.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things I learned last night was that Google also keeps track of who clicks on what. For example, a Google search for the term Shoemoney would show you the main page for Jeremy’s blog, as well as several sub-links for individual items, like the HUGE AdSense check he got from Google. Google knows that these items are frequently clicked on, so it ranks them accordingly in the search results.

The bottom line is that by attending the last two meetings of the People Making money Online Group (PMMOL) I have learned concrete techniques that will help me and my staff better serve our website customers and further solidify our position as a leading website development house in Nebraska.

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