Netflix Has to Be the Most Convient Way to Rent DVDs Without Late Fees

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: March 31st, 2007

If you have even been charged a single late fee from a video rental store, you HAVE to try Netflix. My wife and I have been watching movies and TV shows from Netflix for over a year now, and I have to say that Netflix is head an shoulders above anything that Blockbuster or Hollywood Video have to offer.

Since our son Jacob started appreciating the Baby Einstein videos, we have had a non-stop stream of DVDs form Netflix that have taught him everything from sign language to where his nose is. Those videos are a life saver, and Blockbuster doesn’t even carry them.

With Netflix you pay a fixed monthly price (I pay $4.99 a month) and you get to have up to two DVDs at a given time. You can watch them at your leisure, and then simply insert them into the provided paper envelope and drop them in the mail when you are done watching them. They even pay the return postage!

Before we signed on with Netflix, we usually rented our movies from Blockbuster. No matter how hard we tried, we always seemed to keep one of our rentals a day too long and ended up paying a monstrous late fee.

Compare that to Netflix where you can keep the movies until you are done with them and there are no late fees at all. In fact, once a DVD that we sent back did not make it for some reason. We emailed Netflix explaining what happened, hoping they would be understanding. I was IMPRESSED when they immediately removed the DVD from our rental history and did not charge us a thing. There were no questions, no accusations, just understanding and a new DVD within one business day!

The whole reason I am posting this today is because Netflix is currently offering a free trial membership. With the trial you can see how Netflix works and decide if it is for you. If you want to try Netflix for a month, click on the banner above and sign up.

I LOVE Netflix and I think you will come to enjoy it as well!

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