A New Computer Term is Coined – Beware of ‘Crapware’ on New PCs

  • Comments: 7
  • Written on: April 14th, 2007

Marc Orchant reported on his ZDNet blog this morning that Warner Crocker has dubbed a new computer term for all of the unwanted garbage software that comes preinstalled on a new big-box computer – crapware.

While there is a distinction between useful software that comes preinstalled on new PCs and all of the trials, games, and other third-tier software packages, I can testify form experience about the garbage that Hewlett Packard crams onto a new computer’s hard drive.

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to buy a $1700 new laptop from HP for only $300. They REALLY wanted us to look at carrying their notebooks instead of Acer, so I suspect that was the root of the discount. Wither way, I didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

When I received my new HP Laptop, I opened the carton, unpacked it, installed the battery, plugged it in and turned it on. I spent the next three hours removing more than 3 GB of silly games and trial software products that I would never use. Some of the programs uninsulated easily, and others offered more of a challenge. The time and effort required to remove this software – most of which nobody would every buy anyway – is what earned these products the title of crapware.

When Schrock Innovations sells a new Modular PC we also install some baseline software that we think our customers will find useful. We are always mindful of the fine line between useful software and crapware, so we only install needed software like:

  • A trial of Norton Antivirus or Norton Internet Security
  • A trial of the Maintenance Checkup Home Edition
  • The latest version of Sun Micro-systems’ Java
  • All Windows Updates
  • The Google Toolbar
  • A trial of Nero Burning ROM

One of the nice things about having a computer built locally is that you as the customer control what gets installed on your PC. If you don’t want something installed, we don’t waste our time installing it – or your time when you would have to uninstall it.

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