A Complete List of All “Get a Mac” Commercials – ‘Wall Street Journal’ and ‘Work’

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: April 19th, 2007

Last week a commentator asked if I could post all of the “Get a Mac” ads on my blog at one time. After looking into it, I found that Apple has released 26 of these commercials. I was also surprised to find that I had not seen some of them on any of my local television of cable channels. While it could have been a coincidence, it is also possible that certain commercials only rand in particular markets.

Posting all 26 videos at once would make for one massive post, so instead I will be posting them two at a time every day at 12:00 for 13 days. This way you can watch them over your lunch hour at work and not get into any trouble at my expense 🙂

Without further ado, here are the first two commercials in no particular order.

Wall Street Journal

In this commercial, PC takes Mac’s Wall Street Journal and reads a glowing independent review of mac by a technology expert. Embarrassed, PC makes up a fake review and says that makes them even.


In this commercial, Mac tells PC that he is better at fun things than PC is. PC disagrees and attepts to explain the family vacation using a pie chart.

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see the commercials ‘Viruses’ and ‘Trust Mac’.

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