How to Remove the Brave Sentry (BraveSentry) Spyware Infection

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: April 19th, 2007

I am not exactly certain why, but this year-old spyware infection seems to be resurfacing lately. More than 10,000 unique visitors have hit our remove BraveSentry tutorial on the Schrock website this month alone.

This infection is a member of the SmitFraud family. There are a number of other infections bearing wonderful names like SpySheriff, SpyTrooper, AlfaCleaner, SpyFalcon, TrustCleaner, SpyHeal, VirusBurst, SpywareQuake, SpywareStrike, and countless other variants.

If you get a message on your PC from software that you did not install telling you that you need to pay money to remove an infection from your computer, you are probably infected with one of the SmitFraud variants.

Whatever you do, do not pay them any money. Instead use the free removal tutorials listed above, or seek the assistance of a Computer Repair Center.

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