The $25,000 SEM Challenge is on!

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: May 29th, 2007

After much talk, I have finally done it. I have posted my audition video for the “Next Internet Millionaire” contest on the contest website and now I need your help.

Should I win this competition, I will be donating the $25,000 in prize money to various charities in and around Lincoln, NE, as well as families seeking to adopt children from within the United States. I would benefit greatly from the instruction of the industry-leading judges, which is reward enough for me.

How You Can Help a Local Charity

Please help me make the first audition cut by
watching my audition video and rating me a ’10’.

I will compete hard and represent Lincoln, Schrock Innovations, and my customers with professionalism and class. It only takes a second to vote, and you could be making a $25,000 difference to a local charity with just two mouse clicks.

Help Spread the Word!

If you are comfortable doing so, please send a link to this post or my audition video to your friends so they can vote as well. Thank you for your help and keep watching my blog for updates on the contest.

The first cut happens around June 6, 2007! There is no time to lose!

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