Listen to My 104.1 The Blaze Next Internet Millionaire Segment

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: June 1st, 2007

I has a great time going on the Blaze this morning. FM radio is such a different beast than the AM I do every week. I was actually a little nervous at the start!

If you have not heard or read about what the Next Internet Millionaire competition is, take a moment to learn about it.

You can listen to the audio from my appearance on the Blaze in Lincoln, NE this morning, courtesy of Tim and the Animal.

After the show I checked my stats and was thrilled to see that more than 200 additional people had voted for me! I had set a goal for myself to have at least 600 votes by the end of the day today, and at this moment I have 676, with an average of 8.03/10 (10 being the best).

My goal for the weekend is to have more than 2,000 votes by Monday morning. Obviously I will be talking about this on Compute This tomorrow morning.

I need your help to meet my goal and earn a set on the show! Please vote my audition video a ’10’. There is a $25,000 prize for the person who wins the competition, and if I win I will be donating the money to local charities.

Thank you all for your support, and please remember that you can vote every few hours. As they say in Chicago; vote early and vote often!

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