Next Internet Millionaire Update

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: June 5th, 2007

The past three days have been a media whirlwind as I have given four media interviews and done more than an hour of radio time on the Next Internet Millionaire competition.

I want to send a very special thanks out to the staff and employees at Bryan LGH – I think you guys have the whole hospital voting for me – Lincoln’s Lighthouse, and The Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy center for supporting me through the audition process.

Over 2,000 Schrock Innovations customers have voted for my video since last Thursday, and I have been recruiting voters from the Digital Point forums all week.

All the effort is beginning to payoff, as I have moved up to second at the moment with just over 4,000 votes and a 8.8 average score. Please help me win $25,000 for some great Lincoln charities by voting my video a ’10’ at

If you have the time, here are some things you can do to help me do well in the first cut (they are cutting over 200 auditions down to 50 tomorrow night):

1) Set my video page as your browser’s home page and vote for me every time you open your browser window.
2) Send a quick email message to your friends and family explaining what I am trying to do and asking them to vote for me as well
3) Post some words of encouragement for me in the Next Internet Millionaire Forum.

I will post again Wednesday night/Thursday morning and let you know if I made it.

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