Grant Money for Families Seeking to Adopt Children from Within the United States

  • Comments: 6
  • Written on: June 9th, 2007

As you may or may not have read on my previous post, I am working to earn a chance to compete for $25,000 on the web’s first reality show, the Next Internet Millionaire.

If I am able to win the competition, I plan on donating the $25,000 to various charities. However if I win, I will also be setting aside some of that money to give to families who are trying to adopt children from within the United States.

My wife and I adopted our son Jacob last August, and he instantly became the light of our lives. We suffered through the adoption process and the emotional roller coaster that comes with it. I know first hand the challenges – both personal and financial – that come with adoption. I also know that it is TOTALLY worth it when you finally take your bundle of joy home.

There are tons of adoption scams out there (isn’t that sad?) so rather than launching a new website to do this, I thought it would be best to do it here, in a place that is open and accountable for all to see.

I would like to hear from families who are seeking to adopt. Post your adoption story as a comment below. Please fill out the email field with your correct email address (I am the only one who sees it). If you have an adoption website, feel free to post your URL in the provided space so others can look at your website too.

You can be as detailed or as vague as you would like. I will be reading the stories if and when I win the competition and I will decide which families get the grant money based on the story they tell on this blog.

So there it is – you have nothing to lose, and you might get some free money to help handle your pending adoption just for posting a story here that you can probably tell in your sleep.

You can help me make it on the show and boost my chances of winning by voting for my audition video. I will be posting a link here as soon as the video is produced and uploaded.

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