Big Marketing Online Interviews Thor Schrock for Podcast

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  • Written on: June 24th, 2007

Hypnotist Matt Adams and former pro basketball player Jason Henderson interviewed me a couple days ago for their Big Action podcast. Both Matt and Jason are contestants in the Next Internet Millionaire competition and are very experienced online entrepreneurs.

The interview was primarily about my Next Internet Millionaire audition and the ‘Estes Incident’ that has ruffled a few feathers with another contestant in the competition who believes I copied the concept of his audition video for my own use.

There are a lot of people in the Next Internet Millionaire competition who say they are nice guys and team players, when in fact they are self centered and willing to do whatever it takes to get on the show. Matt and Jason are the REAL DEAL and are deserving of your vote.

When you are voting for me, feel free to vote for these guys as well. They deserve it!

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