The Importance of Getting Along

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: August 2nd, 2007

Someone recently taught me that the mark of a good leader is someone who can rally people around a central cause and motivate them to achieve it.

It looks so simple when it is written as a sentence, but in practice how can you effectively rally several different personalities around a goal in a way that allows each participant to set aside their personal desires for the betterment of the team?

After reflecting on that for a bit, I believe it comes down to belief. The people being led must believe that the leader has the vision and desire to get the job done.

Look at Steve Jobs for example. In the early days of Apple he used several negative motivation techniques that literally pushed people to the limits of what they could take, but in the end Apple developed a great product. His employees were willing to endure extreme conditions because they believed in his vision for the company. They believed in him.

If you are a leader what are you doing to inspire your people? What is working for you and what is not?

This isn’t a trick question. I have a feeling like I am on the cusp of some kind of epiphany but I am missing one piece of the puzzle. Do you have it?

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