Secret Classroom Unauthorized Sneak Peek!

  • Comments: 6
  • Written on: November 21st, 2007

If you have not heard by now, Joel Comm is opening up the Next Internet Millionaire Secret Classroom. The Secret Classroom is a 12 DVD set that contains all of the Next Internet Millionaire episodes, but more importantly, the COMPLETE teacher sessions.

I was in that classroom for two weeks and I can tell you that there was SOOO much information in there that has helped me transform my online businesses and presence. Throughout the weekly Next Internet Millionaire episodes you can see a small sampling of each of the teachers and the topics they discussed.

If you haven’t been following the episodes, I have organized an UNAUTHORIZED Next Internet Millionaire Secret Classroom where you can see each of the teachers and some of what they had to say while I was on the show.

If you are planning on purchasing the Secret Classroom DVD Set ($497) DON’T BUY IT YET!!!

Go to my UNAUTHORIZED Secret Classroom and sign up for an email alert by entering your name and email address in the form. I will let you know the SECOND the Secret Classroom is released. Not only that, but I will also GIVE you $100 out of my own pocket if you buy from the UNAUTHORIZED Secret Classroom email alert. Think of it kind of like a rebate.

This is the ONLY place on the web you will be able to get the Secret Classroom at a discount, and from what I have heard behind the scenes there may not be enough copies of the DVD set to go around when the launch happens. It’s VITAL that you get in quick when Joel pulls the trigger, and why not save $100 in the process?

Here’s a video I cut for the UNAUTHORIZED Secret Classroom that explains it all.

What are you waiting for? Head on over to the UNAUTHORIZED Secret Classroom and check out more than 1 HOUR of guru instruction for FREE!

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