The Hard Truth About Making Money Online

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: December 4th, 2007

It’s time someone told the truth about making money online.

If you are like me, you are starting to see through all the so-called “push-button” solutions. There are many excellent systems for making money online available.

Yes, there is a LOT of money to be made online.

But the one thing that people don’t want you to talk about is the four letter word that makes people scurry and hide.

No, not THAT word.

The word is…


Running an online business is hard work. There is no way around it. That’s the facts, Jack. BUT, we’re not talking about the same kind of work that you do when you have a 9-5 job that demands every last ounce of your energy.

On the contrary, I’ve found that making money online is much easier than any other way I know of.

But you have to know what to do!

I’m sure you remember hearing about Joel Comm’s reality show, “The Next Internet Millionaire.” This groundbreaking show took Internet marketing to a whole new level with it’s high production values and top-notch content.

During the show, the fortunate twelve contestants were privileged to learn from Internet millionaires such as Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Jeff Walker, Marlon Sanders, Mike Filsaime and Rich Schefren.

If you watched the show, you only got to see a few minutes of each of the twelve teachers.

That’s why I am very excited to tell you what Joel Comm is doing on Wednesday, December 5th at 10 am EST.

For the first time ever, Joel is making the COMPLETE teaching from The Next Internet Millionaire available in a home-study course that contains everything you need to know to truly succeed online!

It’s called “The Secret Classroom”, and you are invited to enter!

Secret Classroom

The material in this course has changed the lives of all twelve contestants, with several of them already having successful 5-figure product launches!

There are several “seminar-based” products available, but none of them have so many superstars of Internet marketing on hand to teach their greatest secrets and strategies purely so others can succeed online. There was absolutely NO pitching during these sessions.

Now you can’t get “The Secret Classroom” until Wed, December 5th. And even then, there will be many that will not get in because Joel is limiting the number of copies available.

But you CAN enter to WIN of two complete sets that Joel is giving away the day before the product launch!

How do you enter?


Simply follow this link…

Secret Classroom Business Development

Once registered, you will have access to a secret member’s blog where Joel has posted “sneak peek” video clips to give you a taste of the incredible content that awaits you in The Secret Classroom.

Simply comment on any or all of the video clips by watching them and telling Joel how you can use the information presented to grow your online business! The more clips you comment on, the better your chances of winning a free copy of The Secret Classroom!

I hope you get a chance to check out the sneak peek videos as there is some powerful stuff that Joel is giving you free access to.

Building an online business is hard work. You already know that.

But with the right education, you will not have to stumble through the process of figuring out what to do.

Joel and his 12 experts have provided the education you need to succeed in The Secret Classroom.

Be sure to mark your calendar for Wed, December 5th at 10 am EST so you don’t miss out on your opportunity to enter The Secret Classroom.

Enter the Secret Classroom Before it is Closed Forever!

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