CPA Empire Sets Example for Affiliate Service

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: January 15th, 2008

Have you ever found a $20 bill in a coat you had put away last winter? The other day I logged into my Azoogle Ads account and noticed that I had accumulated about $100 from some offers I promoted in 2007 and forgot about. I just had to complete an W-9 form to get my money.

I had some other business I wanted to propose to Azoogle with regard to my super top-secret project that almost no one is privy to yet. Not knowing where to start the communication process, I asked Shoemoney where he thought I should start.

Shoemoney suggested I approach my affiliate manager first and work up from there.

The trouble is that I don’t have an affiliate manager at Azoogle. For a while, my manager changed as often as Nebraska’s weather. Eventually they seem to have settled on this blue fellow that is remarkably featureless.

Azoogle No Affiliate Manager

I emailed Azoogle three days ago and have not heard a hiccup since. Needless to say I am not a super-affiliate myself (yet), but I am feeling left out in the cold Nebraska winter here with no affiliate manager, no money from 2007, and no communication.

All of this has me testing the waters for another affiliate company. I found an old email in my inbox from October from a woman named Julie Chubb with CPA Empire. I left sent her an email on Sunday and went about my day.

Today I got a call from John Ringhofer with CPA Empire. He explained that Julie was no longer with CPA Empire, but he would be happy to help. He got me signed up, expedited my application to trim a 48 hour process down to a mere three hours, AND he put me in touch with the higher-ups at CPA Empire who could help me with my additional business requests.

In fact, two hours after I had completed my affiliate application one of their upper-management executives called me personally to welcome me and discuss the opportunities that CPA Empire offered.

Needless to say, I am impressed. You simply don’t get that service anymore – let alone on the Internet. CPA Empire is going to get some traffic from me, probably at Azoogle’s expense.

Seriously, if your affiliate manager is ignoring you, you don’t think you can trust your affiliate company, or you just want some TLC, check out CPA Empire. Create an account and take a look at some of the offers they have. From what I can tell you so far, there is a reason they are one of Fortune 500’s fastest growing companies.

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