I’m a MySpace Sellout

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: January 18th, 2008

So everyone from Charles Trippy to Joel Comm is all hot about social networking and how it is changing the face of marketing on the Internet. I am ashamed to say that I see the opportunity, but I frankly am a MySpace sellout.

Check out my MySpace page at www.myspace.com/thorschrock. To be 100% honest, my wife made that layout for me after I put off doing anything with it for months.

I know it needs a bit more edge, and I am looking into some tolls available at www.myspaceprofilemagic.com to help me out. They have everything from games, to gidgets, to custom graphics all loaded into one unified toolbar. That sounds perfect for lazy MySpace updaters like me.

Seriously though, how much time do you put into social networking? My Facebook page is stock, and the only other networks I do anything with are www.youtube.com and www.cre8buzz.com.

Maybe it’s a generational thing, but most of my friends reach me through email and IM. What am I missing here?

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