Top Affiliate Challenge – Super Secret Project Revealed

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: January 27th, 2008

For the past few weeks I have been eluding to a “super-secret” project I have been working on. While I wasn’t doing any active promotion on the project, I was not keeping a hermetically sealed lid on it either.

Top affiliate Challenge is the web’s first real-time reality show. 12 affiliate marketers and three industry gurus will face off for cash and prizes and the title of Top Affiliate!

We are still working on nailing down all of the sponsors for the show. Obviously, we are looking for an affiliate network to be the banner sponsor. We have proposals in front of CPA Empire and Azoogle Ads, among others. I am hopeful that we will be able to get a soft commitment by the first week of February.

I am sure a lot of you wondering if this show is going to be the Next Internet Millionaire 2.0. While my experience on TNIM is definately going to color the look and feel of Top Affiliate Challenge, the shows are going to be very different.

To be up front, TAC is not going to have a for-sale DVD set at the end. This is not an info-product marketing vehicle. While I am sure we could make a ton of cash following Joel Comm’s model, that is not what this is about.

Don’t get me wrong, we are going to have to raise a TON of cash to make this happen and the IS a revenue model behind the show. I just want everyone to know out of the boxes that this show is going to teach you affiliate marketing secrets and techniques that you can use in each and every episode.

One other important difference is that this show will be airing online in real time (yes, I consider a 24-hour delay real time in web production). That means that the audience will be able to participate in the outcome of each episode.

There is a ton of detail and planning behind this, and we will be announcing our first sponsors later this week. Needless to say, if you own a company and want to be part of the show, email and we will find a place to work you in.

Auditions for the show will begin in March, so dust off your cameras and prepare to make some video!

If you want more detail about the show, check out the Top Affiliate Challenge Media page.

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