**Political Post** John McCain is an Arrogant Man

  • Comments: 9
  • Written on: February 6th, 2008

**NOTICE** This post has nothing to do with technology, Top Affiliate Challenge, or online marketing. In fact, it is a political statement. If you don’t like that stuff, excuse me on this one.

I am a Mitt Romney supporter because I feel he is the best person to lead our country forward as President of the United States. As my wife and I watched the Super Tuesday votes roll in last night we were saddened to see John McCain winning a majority of the delegates.

For those of you who don’t follow politics, McCain swiped a win away from Romney in West Virginia when he instructed his supporters to back Huckabee when it became apparent he was not going to win that state’s caucus. All is fair in love, war, and politics, but that single, needless act of sabotage reminded me what kind of man John McCain has become as he has served in the Senate.

I decided to take a trip over to the McCain website and blog to see what was going on. Here was the VERY FIRST comment on the latest post:


We all know that there is a concerted effort by the Sean Hannitys and Rush Limbaughs in the media to exhort you to come to this site in hopes of peeling off some of McCain’s support in hopes of reversing the tide and getting Flip-flopping Phony Romney chosen as the Republican nominee. It is too late. The wave is cresting and will wash over the land of America. When it recedes, it will take away with it the bitter, divisive partisan politics that has resulted in gridlock and stagnation in our government.

I want all of you self-described “true conservative Republicans” to realize that your efforts will be fruitless. And you are for more likely to change your position and join us McCain supporters, just as the majority have in Florida. When you do, we will forgive your errant past and unkind remarks, and welcome you into the fold. You are “true” Americans, too. I look forward to the day four years from now when some of you critics of Senator McCain call me on the phone and ask for my help in getting him re-elected. And though perhaps I shouldn’t, I will tell you, “I told you so!”

I was shocked by the arrogance, condecention, and most of all the tone of that comment, which appears to be posted by someone associated with the McCain campaign.

On the flip side, watch Mitt Romney’s speech to his supporters last night as he faced what could be best described as a tough night:

When I compare John McCain’s arrogance with Mitt Romney’s Reaganesque speech, there is no doubt in my mind who will be better for America from the Republican side of the equation in 2008.

For the first time ever, I have opened my wallet for a presidential candidate.

I am not going to try and tell you how to cast your vote, but I will remind you that your vote does matter and there is a real difference between Mitt Romney and John McCain. If Mitt has a shot at winning the Republican nomination, he needs to go on an unprecedented delegate run in the remaining states. That does not happen with out some amazing help and support.

If anyone from the Romney campaign reads this, tell Mitt Romney that he must fight on for those who believe in him, his ideas, and his ideals.

Oh, and congrats to Ron Paul supporters for the 14 delegates.

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