How To Get Traffic to Your Website or Blog

  • Comments: 7
  • Written on: March 1st, 2008

If there was one simple answer to that question, there would be no need for you to read this blog post. There are so many ways you can niche that answer that people have made fortunes selling software, DVDs, and ebooks that promise to show you the magic secrets.

I am pretty skeptical of traffic generation software because it almost always achieves its goal by spamming forums, blogs, or doing other devious things. But this time I think I have found something different.

Eric Holmund and Bishop Anders have partnered up to create a new traffic generation software suite called Web Traffic Machines. After recently being burnt by Blog Blaster, I was a little skeptical about it.

I had the chance to meet Bishop (yes he is a real person) and talk to Eric about the software while we were at JV Alert Live in Orlando. I straight up asked if this was some kind of scarping software or spamming software like Blog Blaster.

Eric laughed and reassured me this was nothing like Blog Blaster at all. In fact, with a monthly price tag of $97.00 the software had to be ethical, effective, and last the test of time if they wanted to keep subscribers.

Eric launched the software suite yesterday with a twist – a 10-day trial of the entire suite with no limitations for $37. I decided I would fork over my $37 to get a peek at the software that can generate thousands of visitors to my website. If it works, it is well worth the money. As Shoemoney says, you bring me traffic and I will find a way to monetize it.

When I installed the software, I was amazed by the number of tools that were available. I *might* not even be able to really play with them all in 10 days. I was also relieved that these were actual TOOLS – that means that in the hands of someone who is willing to WORK these are powerful software packages. No get rich quick stuff here.

I am going to review some of the tools over the next 10 days to let you know what they are, how they work, and who they would benefit. Here is just a sample of the kind of tools that are available:

  • Software that locates, catalogs, and automates forum account creation based on keyword presence
  • A package that creates a surge of natural organic backlinks from AOL accounts
  • An automation suite that helps you drive traffic from Yahoo Answers
  • Software that locates keyword significant WordPress blogs and tracks comment publication
  • A Proxy tool that locates and manages open proxy servers
  • Automated Software that creates Blogger accounts and automates the posting process
  • A video blasting program similar to Traffic Geyser that uploads your videos all over the web
  • An automated search engine clicker that clicks your results in the SERPS to make then popular
  • An automated YouTube comment posting application
  • A pop-in video generator that allows you to place small videos in your web content

These are just 10 of the tool offered, and I will review one each day for you so you can decide if it is something you could use to boost your website’s traffic.

If you would rather not wait to see the tutorials, you can jump right in and see all of the software programs offered by purchasing your own 10 day trial. I would recommend focusing on one or two products during the trial period so you can master them.

Later tonight I will be posting a tutorial on Web Traffic Machines’ Forum Traffic Machine. Check back for it!

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