Feedburner Email Subscribers and How They Boost Your RSS Subscriber Count

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: April 12th, 2008

Some of you might notice a new subscription form plunked in the middle of my blog. I promise I will get around to integrating it in a more appealing way, but after what I learned today, it was very important that I get the form up as soon as possible.

I was doing some research on how Feedburner calculates the subscriber count that is displayed in the Feedburner chicklet. It appears that subscribers who sign up through RSS readers are not counted in the same way as those who subscribe via email.

I was reading a very detailed post on how Feedburner calculates the number of subscribers to a feed and I learned that readers who subscribe through a feed reader are estimated each day, while those who subscribe via email are COUNTED every day.

That means that if you want a more reliable Feedburner subscriber count, you should encourage your readers to subscribe via email rather than in a reader.

To do this, you have to log into your Feedburner account and click on the feed you want people to subscribe too. Then turn on the subscribe through email function. You will then be able to copy and paste the subscribe code to your blog. It’s that simple.

Anyone else have some Feedburner words of wisdom?

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