Text Link Ads is a Real Dissapointment

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: April 16th, 2008

In the past my blog has not had sufficient content to qualify me for some of the better text link advertising options on the market. But now with almost 600 posts in the can, I had enough to apply so I did.

After reading John Chow’s monthly income report I decided to sign up for Kontera. They took forever to approve my application (four days!) so in the mean time I also signed up with Text Link Ads. My Text-Link-Ads account was approved in minutes and I had their code installed on my blog that night.

For the next few days I eagerly checked my Text-Link-Ads account page to see if they had spidered my blog yet. Sure enough, every day a couple more of my posts came online. On day 4 Kontera approved my application and I thought to myself, sorry suckas! I am already with a different company.

But I might have spoken too soon. It has been just over three weeks since my Text-Link-Ads account was approved and tey only have spidered 32 posts on my blog. In addition, they have not placed a single ad anywhere on my site.

I understand they might not have had advertisers that lined up with my posts, but there is no excuse for not spidering the rest of my blog. If they would have hit my XML sitemap they might have found a post did line up.

\I am going to give Text-Link-Ads another week to see what comes of their service. If they haven’t spidered a good portion of my site by then, I am going to switch to Kontera and see what they can do.

Does anyone else have experience with Text-Link-Ads vs. Kontera?

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