Get $100 in FREE Advertising from Top Affiliate Challenge!

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: May 12th, 2008

One of the nicest guys on the Internet is launching a book tonight called, Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions, and Make a Difference in a Noisy World, and I would suggest all of you check it out.

I met Ken McArthur when I attended one of his JVAlert Live events as a guest with Joel Comm and the cast of the Next Internet Millionaire.  There is so much BS in the info-product marketing world that it can be tough to stomach at times.  That is one of the reasons you do not see me promoting every info-product that comes across my inbox.

Ken is truly a diamond in the rough.  Every other seminar I have been to was very official and business like, but Ken’s events are more like a networking party.  People come together to find out how they can combine what they have with what others have to help everyone involved.  AT the end of his event people actually CRY because they have made new friends, made a ton of money, or both.

The book will provide a valuable insight into who Ken is, and how you can get your message out in a way that everyone walks away from the table feeling like a winner.  After you purchase Ken’s book, you will also be entitled to a massive list of bonus offers he has put together for the launch of his first work that is sure to go NYT Best Seller in days.

For my part, Top Affiliate Challenge kicked in a bonus that is an absolute no-brainer.  Buy Ken’s book and then go to his website at and submit your Amazon receipt number to his system.  ONce verified, you will be directed to a massive list of FREE bonuses.  We are giving away a $100 ad spot on the Top Affiliate Challenge website that you can use to promote your product or website for an entire month!

In addition, you will be entered into a drawing to get a FREE $5,000 advertising package to showcase your product or website during Top Affiliate Challenge.  That means commercials, mentions, bottom thirds – the whole bit.

Purchasing his book will help Ken further his reputation in the online community and will probably motivate you much as the sample chapter he sent motivated me. I JUST bought the book myself and I am looking forward to cashing in on all of the bonus offers others are contributing!

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