Lincoln Parent Searching for Daughter’s Stolen Laptop

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: May 27th, 2008

This morning Jennifer received an email at Schrock Innovations from a father searching for his daughter’s stolen Toshiba notebook computer. Apparently 20 or so cars were broken into at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo over the weekend, and her laptop was stolen in one of those break-ins.

Hi – My name is <-removed-> and I am trying to recover my daughter’s laptop that was stolen from her car while it was parked at the Omaha Zoo on May 24th. I am offering a $300 reward for its return, please keep an eye out for it.

All my daughter Meredith’s school work is on that computer and I will gladly pay a $300 recovery fee for its return. This robbery has also been reported to the Omaha police department.

The laptop is a dark blue (might look black from a distance) Toshiba model # 4697 with a serial number of S67545663K.

I admire the father in this situation for taking the initiative to contact the computer repair shops in Lincoln and in Omaha just in case this system might turn up for some reason.

So here is the deal. If anyone drops this notebook off at either of our Computer Repair Service Centers in Omaha or Lincoln, we will pay you $300 for turning it in. No questions, no police, no problems. If you try to fence this notebook on eBay, Craigslist, or at a local pawn shop, you will get caught. Take the $300 and call it a day.

If we get our hands on the unit, we will certainly contact the father and get it back to his daughter immediately.

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