Yedda a Good Choice to Create Blog Authority?

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: July 21st, 2008

Yedda LogoI spent some time talking to the people in the Yedda booth at BlogHer 08.  They have a service very similar to Yahoo Answers but with a blogger twist.

Yedda provides a widget that can be installed in your blog’s sidebar so your readers can ask you a question specifically.  The questions are then added to the Yedda system, where you can answer it.

So why in the world would you want to add content to the Yedda system instead of to your own blog?

Yedda is backed by AOL (AOL bought the company just 4 months after it was created) and if the Yedda system goes over as well as Yahoo Answers did, some of these user submitted questions will start turning up in search engine results.

Yedda says you can use the system to raise awareness about your expert status.  More importantly, whenever you answer a question on Yedda, your blog’s URL is included.  While the possibility exists that you might gain some search engine placement boost from the backlinks, the natural traffic you can pull to your blog is far more valuable.

If you have a blog about making money on the Internet and you answer questions from people who want to know how to do it, some of them will click through to your blog because they think you are smart in an area they want to learn about.

Will this natural traffic convert into RSS subscribers or repeat visitors?  Who knows.  The service is still too new.  But imagine if you would have dedicated some time to the early days of Yahoo Answers.  Some of those original questions actually rank for keywords in Google.  Because Yahoo skims out the spam, search engines can give the question pages – and your blog link – more weight than other results.

Yedda is not without fault though. They are getting spammed just like everyone else on the web and it appears that they are manually removing it.  I saw this gem the first time I looked at their home page:

Yedda will probably be partnering with a variety of sites to create content that can be monetized, so there is probably a future for the service out there and that is most likely why AOL decided to incubate it.  I answered a few questions about computer repair and business, so we will see how long it takes Google to index those blog backlinks, what they are valued at, and ho much organic traffic Yedda sends my way.

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