Palin Criticism Damages Obama Campaign

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: August 30th, 2008

Regular readers might remember that while I have no love at all for Barack Obama, I really don’t have much of an affinity for John McCain either.

But yesterday John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential running mate and in the process exposed the true negative culture of the Obama campaign.

Moments after Sarah Palin was named as John McCain’s vice presidential choice (over my personal favorite Mitt Romney) Obama Spokesman Bill Burton responded with the following:

“Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

Now I’m no Karl Rove, but it seems like a stupid move for a campaign spokesman to say this when his own candidate has less than 180 working days in the US Senate, has never even held a meeting of the Senate European Subcommittee which he chairs, and has a thin resume of accomplishments overall (even Obama supporters can’t dispute these facts).

On the evening that Obama was nominated as the Democratic Party Nominee, even John McCain took a break from politics as usual to congratulate him on his historic accomplishment.  Watch the video below:

Like I said, McCain was not my choice and I still have a lot of questions about where he wants to lead this country. But speaking strictly from a perspective of which candidate is the better man, McCain makes Obama look like as paper-thin as his resume is.

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