Super Tips for A Healthy PC

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: October 3rd, 2008

Given here are some simple to perform, super tips on how to fix a slow computer.

Ponder before you press “Install”

It has been noticed that often the reason behind an unhealthy and slow PC is the tendency of users to install various programs they may have downloaded from the Internet or copied from a compact disk (CD). These numerous programs occupy valuable space on the hard disk and slow it down. Moreover, some of these programs may make your system vulnerable to viruses and other malicious software. So next time, before you install software you come across on Internet or CD, please take a minute to decide whether you really need that program and ensure that the program belongs to a trusted manufacturer.

Get rid of what you do not need

It is recommended that you take stock of all the programs and applications that are loaded on your computer at regular intervals. Once you create an inventory of all programs that reside on your hard disk, make a decision about the ones that you do not need anymore. Some of these might have come along when you purchased the computer, while other programs you might have used in the past but are not required anymore. Freeing up space by uninstalling these unnecessary programs keeps your PC in shape and running as good as new.

You can delete these programs by using the “Add or Remove Programs” option available in the Control Panel.

Protect your PC from external threats

Antivirus software is an important tool to protect your system from the viruses floating in the cyber world. However, many users simply ignore the requirement of a good antivirus software. It is only when they encounter a computer freeze problem or other errors that they wake up to the seriousness of the issue.

First off, you need to make sure that you have reliable antivirus software installed on your system. Then, you need to make sure that you perform definition updates at least once a week. Finally, you need to perform a complete scan of your system periodically.

Keep your System Clean

As your computer gets old, a lot of dust particles get collected inside your desktop case. This is due to the incoming air generating because of fans located inside the unit to cool down the CPU. The electric charge inside your desktop case also attracts dust particles. Therefore, it is recommended that you remove the panel of the case and clean the unit off dust and dirt. You can use a can of compressed air to clean the inside of the system. Make sure you clean your system from the inside out at least once a year.

Scan and Clean your Registry

Registry problems may crop up on your computer over time, when the registry gets filled up with a large amount of unwanted, outdated, and invalid information. To prevent and resolve these registry problems, you may opt to use a reliable and compatible registry cleaner Vista or XP tool. Using a good registry cleaner tool, you can perform several registry maintenance tasks, including registry clean up, repair, defrag, and backups that can not only help you maintain a healthy registry, but also restore it easily in case it gets damaged.

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