Questionable Geek Squad Hiring Practices Targeted in Schrock Innovations Commercial

  • Comments: 6
  • Written on: November 3rd, 2008

Love the Geek Squad or hate them, there is no doubt that Best Buy’s money and Robert Stephens’ marketing have been a force to be reckoned with in most local computer repair markets.

While scandal after scandal expose the Geek Squad’s tenancy to hire questionable technicians, their raw marketing muscle as well as point of purchase pressure tactics give the Geek Squad an unearned advantage over their local counterparts.

Geek Squad Abuses Customers’ Trust

Just imagine if any local computer repair company did any one of the following things:

If any of our local competitors would have done any one of these things it would be a business death blow.

Geek Squad’s Questionable Hiring Standards

I mentioned in a previous post that Schrock Innovations is running a series of 12 commercials throughout 2009 on Channel 10/11 in Lincoln, NE that will contrast and compare our service offerings against those offered by the Lincoln Geek Squad.  Watch the first commercial titled “Hired” here:

This commercial comically highlights the Geek Squad’s hiring standards and will air tomorrow night during the election results where it is sure to be seen by tens of thousands of people in Lincoln NE.

Tell the Truth About Geek Squad

If you have been a victim of the Geek Squad, or have a service story to tell, feel free to post it below.

If you would like a copy of this commercial to place on your website, feel free to embed our copy from YouTube, or download the commercial directly using this link

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