Schrock Innovations to Launch Data Recovery Center in 2009

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: November 8th, 2008

Hard Drive RecoveryMany of us can remember discovering a forgotten trunk in grandma’s attic containing bunches of photos gathered with rubber bands and other mementos.

But what will our children discover sixty years from now in our attics? Grandma’s trunk won’t be a trunk at all. Instead the dusty shadows and old cob webs will give way to reveal grandma’s old computer tower. Scrawled across the top of the tower in thick black strokes of ink are the words dead, bad hard drive – reading almost like an epitaph.

Just like the old trunk you found as a child, the old computer tower looks out of place in our children’s modern world, but the treasure of family history locked inside of it is just as valuable as what was in your grandma’s old trunk. If they could only access it…

There is no question that the type of data we are storing on our computers today is considerably larger – and more important – than the data we were storing just 10 years ago.

With the knowledge that few of us back up our data like we should, one of the single most catastrophic computer problems in existence today is a failing hard drive.

That seemingly simple small device contains family photos, business records, home movies, letters, and emails. Imagine what you would lose right now if you pressed the power button on your computer to hear the dreaded clicking noise of a failed hard drive. How would you get that data back?

In 2008 your hard drive would have to be shipped to either the West or East Coast for data recovery services, where technicians would inform you that your data could be recovered, but the ransom would be $2,000 – $3,000. Would you pay?

Some of our customers have faced that exact scenario, and depending on the importance of the data on the drive, some have paid. Others have decided that the family photos they have printed out or backed up will have to make do, and let the hard drive slip into oblivion – a trunk that will forever go undiscovered.

In February 2009 Schrock Innovations will bring you another option. Our new Lincoln Service Center is going to contain a small room – merely six feet by 10 feet. This room will house state of the art equipment imported from two different countries. IN this room, using this equipment, our technicians will perform data miracles on a daily basis.

The Schrock Innovations Hard Drive Recovery Center will offer a local, fast, and cost effective hard drive recovery option. Its 60 square foot class-100 clean room will be the only one of its kind in the Midwest – dedicated exclusively to unlocking old trunks.

Right now we can successfully recover data from about 22% of the bad hard drives we encounter in our service center. Our new facility will boost that percentage to over 90% and allow us to service our customers at ¼ the current industry-wide price.

As always, you will never hear us tell you not to back up your data. But if circumstance gets the better of you, Schrock Innovations will soon have the key you need to unlock your data from a failed hard drive.

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