Twitter’s Future is With Marketers, not Twit-Snobs says CEO

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: December 26th, 2008

I came across a video on ZDNet where Twitter CEO Evan Williams flatly states that the social users on Twitter don’t excite him.

So what does excite him about Twitter?

The MARKETING potential of the service.  To all of the nose-raised snobs on who churn out 140 keystroke diatribes on maintaining the purity of Twitter I say – No one really cares what you are doing.

But according to Williams, Twitter users are excited by tweets about what the lunch special is today.

Some might say Williams is selling Twitter out, but I think he understands the income potential of the service and is working hard to show businesses and marketers that Twitter is an effective way to generate customer interest and revenue.

By the way, if you came here form the automatic tweet that went up on my Twitter acount, welcome and feel free to reply – even if Evan doesn’t care 🙂

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