Schrock Innovations’ New Yellow Page Ads Hit the Streets

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: December 29th, 2008

This year Schrock Innovations settled on a Lincoln Yellow Pages ad size for 2009 that was very similar to what we did last year.  We maintained our advertisement in the web design section of the phone book, maintained our advertisement in the computer repair section, and added a small top-of-mind awareness ad on the cover of the smaller companion phone book.

Our main computer repair advertisement is design to attract new customers who have not currently on our mailing list.  We continued the use of the free hour of labor for new customers offer because of its dramatic effectiveness in 2008.  We also plan on heavily cross-marketing this offer on radio and TV in January.

This is what our main advertisement looks like in the 2009 Windstream phone book in Lincoln, NE:

Our web design ad was very effective in 2008.  We managed to entice four major clients from our local competitors and received multiple phone calls each month from potential new clients.  It was enough of a response to justify running the ad again:

The only new thing we did this year was to add a small advertisement to the front cover of the new companion directory. This is a small-footprint phone book that only contains business listings.  I believe that its small size will mean it remains visible in environments where the big phone book is too much of an eyesore.

This advertisement is designed to be a top-of-mind awareness ad that works to reinforce other marketing efforts we will be undertaking in 2009:

When everything was said and done, Schrock is spending a bit more than we did last year, but we think its worth it to run two proven advertisements as well as a new experiment.

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