Top Organic Pages for 2008 From My Blog

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: January 11th, 2009

I was taking a lazy Sunday looking over my Google Analytics data from 2008 to see what kind of posts brought the most organic search traffic.

I dropped the calendar back to January ’08 and did a traffic source search.  I was surprised to see what turned up.  Here is a list of the top 6 most frequently visited pages on this blog through organic search in 2008:

  1. iPhone Pros and Cons This one was hardly a surprise. I was a little late on the iPhone bandwagon because AT&T’s wireless coverage in Nebraska leaves a lot to be desired. In this post I reviewed the positives and negatives of owning one of the first-generation iPhones.
  2. Removing Vista and Installing XP In this post I complained about manufacturers that were releasing notebook computer with no support for Windows XP. It is sometimes possible to get a pick-a-mix bag of drivers from various sources to make a XP run on a Vista notebook, which lead me to compare the process to the Johnny Cash song, “One Piece at a Time.”My computer repair company became pretty well known nation-wide for being able to make the impossible reversion possible, and that is mostly because of this post.
  3. Overnight Prints This is a testament to the power of using video on a blog.  A Google search for overnight prints has this post on the second page of the results.  However, my YouTube video about how ticked off I was at Overnight Prints ranks 3rd – just under their corporate links.Overnight prints really hosed me when I needed a product by a deadline for a trade show and even after writing this post and cutting a video they did not make a single attempt to make things right.  They don’t really need to I guess, since they also own many of the other high-ranking printing websites.
  4. Thor Schrock The fact that a search for my own name comes in lower than complaints about Overnight Prints and just above the Mr. Sticky lint roller says more than I ever could.
  5. Zivio Review I don’t do too many product reviews, but while I was at BlogHer 08 with my wife, Joby was giving away free bluetooth headsets.  They had a cool product and it worked nicely, so I figured the least I could do was write a review for them.
  6. Mr Sticky Lint Roller This just goes to show you that sometimes blogging about obscure products can really bring in some traffic.  The Mr. Sticky Lint Roller is a rubberized roller on a stick designed to pick up pet hair and the like off of clothes, floors, and furniture.It wasn’t the best “investment” my wife and I ever made, so Mr. Sticky was formally introduced to Mr. Trash Can.  He has never been seen or heard from again, but I still rank first for the search for his name. LOL.

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