Teabagging in America and the Role of Your Federal Government

  • Comments: 13
  • Written on: April 15th, 2009

I think it is safe to say that we are all living in a pivotal time in American history for a number of reasons. Right now we are experiencing the biggest changes in the behavior of the US Government since the birth of the progressive movement in the early 20th century brought us a new social contract (i.e. Social Security, the New Deal, etc..)

Today there are hundreds of Tea Parties taking place all over the country to protest government taxation and how the federal government spends the funds it takes in (or lately borrows from China).

I initially was planning on writing a post today about the Tea Parties and why they are going to be a significant event that our children will read about in their high school text books – not because they will be pivotal in their own right, but because they are marking the beginning of a grassroots reversal against the progressive movement that has brought us to this point.

When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated no one really realized that that single spark was all that was needed to ignite the powder keg that was World War I. I have no doubt that these Tea Parties are a spark in the consciousness of the American people. The question is will that spark ignite anything?

What was the Original Role of the Federal Government?

All of the power that the Federal Government holds sprouts from the US Constitution.  Without that document, the United States would not exist.  Here are some quick facts about your US Constitution that you may or may not know:

  • The purpose of the Constitution is to LIMIT what the Government can do – not outline what citizens are allowed to do
  • Anything that is not explicitly covered in the Constitution falls to the States’ Governments to legislate
  • Judges have interpreted the Constitution over time to cover various situations – For example, the “right to privacy” is not in the Constitution.  It was created by a judicial interpretation of what the founders “intended”.
  • Generations of judges have used previous interpretations to justify new interpretations –   For example, abortion is legal today in the United States in part because of the “right to privacy”.
  • Test your knowledge of the US Constitution in a quick quiz

Children are taught in school that the Constitution is a “living document” that evolves with circumstances that surround it.  They are taught that the brilliance of the Constitution is that it was generic enough that it could be stretched and pulled to cover a variety of scenarios that were unimaginable to our founding fathers.

I believe that our schools are teaching a lie.

The brilliance of the Constitution has nothing to do with interpretation.  Its brilliance has everything to do with the fact that it LIMITS what the government can do. These limits prevent the government from weaving itself into the lives of its citizens to the point where a person’s ability to succeed, thrive, and enjoy happiness guarantees freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through LIMITING how the Federal Government can interact with the citizenry.

What Does the Federal Government Do Now that it Shouldn’t Do?

The Constitution outlines that the role of the Federal Government is to provide for the common defense of the states, and protect the life, liberty, and the right of its citizens to persue happiness.  Here is a quick list of things that the Federal Government does now that have no direct root in the Constitution whatsoever:

  • Mortgage Loans
  • Student Loans
  • Corporate Bailouts
  • Social Security
  • Prescription Drug Programs
  • Heath Insurance
  • Judicial Review
  • The Federal Reserve Bank
  • Social Engineering With the Tax Code (Wealth Redistribution)

In this small list alone, the Federal Government manages to intervene in the lives of just about every American at some point.  I am not saying that these programs were created with ill intentions.  I am simply stating tha there is no basis in the Constitution for these programs whatsoever.  They are purely “government creep” into our lives that in many cases needs to be reversed before it gets worse.

What Can You Do?

The next time a crisis hits, you have a problem in your personal life, or you look to a program don’t look to the Federal Government for a solution.  Know that when you do look to the Federal Government there are always strings attached.

Some of the nations largest banks were “surprised” when the Obama administration announced that if a bank takes bailout money, the government has the right to run certain aspects of that bank.  So the banks are now rushing to pay back the money, but the Government won’t take it back because it says they are still “too sick”.

Once you go Fed its VERY tough to go back.  Call your congressman and Senators when you see the Federal government creeping deeper into your life and tell them to stop.  Vote for candidates who promise to reduce the size, scope, and power of the federal government – not just reduce taxes.

Last, but not least, take care of your families and do what you need to do to secure a future for your children.  America is great because each of its citizens works to make a better life for themselves and their children.  When we all do that, America thrives.  Happy Tax freedom day and be sure to check out Fox News’ coverage of the tea parties across the nation!

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