Schrock’s Annual Company BBQ Fun For the Whole Family

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: May 31st, 2009

schrock_company_bbq_2009We closed the Schrock Service Centers early today for our annual company BBQ.  Schrock employs more people than ever, so the BBQ gives everyone an opportunity to tie a face to the telephone extensions between Omaha and Lincoln.

This year we held the BBQ in Omaha at my house.  We have 1/3 of an Acre in South Omaha, and our employees’ kids made the most of it.  I have to admit that one of the best parts of our BBQ’s is watching all of the kids have a blast playing together.

raspberry_cakesKim made her usual favorites – cold veggie pizza, raspberry chocolate cakes, and some awesomely marinated chicken and beef kabobs.  I played grill-meister and we cooked and ate an ungodly amount of food.

As usual we gave away thank you bags loaded with nifty knickknacks.  This year’s theme was family night, so the bags were loaded with a classic game (like Sorry, Jenga, etc..), poker cards, a box of poker chips and some candies.

This year we also did something new by giving away some smaller gift bags with various prizes.  Each employee got to draw a bag to see what they won.  Scott’s wife won a 4 GB talking iPod Shuffle, and our other employees found gift cards for everything from gas to iTunes, to WalMart in their bags.

Once everyone had finished eating we stoked up the fire pit and toasted smores with the kids.  Everyone had a blast, the kids got dirty, and everyone left with a very full belly.  Thanks for coming everyone!

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