Lynn Hinderaker is the Change Agent Your Company Needs

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: June 1st, 2009

lynn-hinderaker-omaha-neIf you have ever eaten at Taco Bell, you have this man to thank.  Without Lynn Hinderaker it is very possible that Taco Bell would not exist and that the concept of the fast food “value menu” may never have seen the light of day.

In the 1980’s Taco Bell was a struggling subdivision of PepsiCo and was about to be closed down completely.  One struggling franchise owner contacted Lynn and said he wanted to make his restaurant’s last stand on an idea that surrounded a value menu.  His idea was that if customers could buy their food through inexpensive small transactions, they would buy more of it and profits would follow.

Lynn helped design the concept, the marketing pieces, and then shepherded the franchise owner through the process.  Success soon followed and as the word spread, other franchise owners asked Lynn for his help.

Word eventually reached PepsiCo and the value menu was officially sanctioned and launched across the nation to all franchise owners.

I found Lynn after he was slated to speak at the Lincoln Independent Business Association Monthly Luncheon in Lincoln, Nebraska.  After reading about what he did for Taco Bell, I decided that this was a guy I should get to know.  I added him on Facebook and sent an email through his company’s contact form on the Omega Point website.

He replied to my email and we had a meeting in his Omaha office last Friday.  After our 30 minute meeting had grown to nearly three hours, it was pretty clear that Lynn Hinderaker has a LOT of expertise that could catapult Schrock Innovations to a whole new level of service excellence.

I am pumped to have the opportunity to work with Lynn.  You get a better feel for Lynn’s passion and insight by seeing him in action.  On June 16th Lynn will be presenting one of his cornerstone concepts, Dance with the Customer at the LIBA luncheon.  Here is a sample of what he will have to say:

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