Steve Borland Joins the Schrock Innovations Team

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: June 19th, 2009

Schrock Innovations has hired Steve Borland to head our Data Recovery Division!

Steve is a promising technician and an entrepreneur in his own right.   His company, Minaska Outdoors, makes some of the highest quality gaming calls on the market. His made-in-the-USA products can be found in retail locations like Cabela’s.  The electronic game calls his company produces can bring animals within 10 feet with the push of a button!

Why Schrock Likes to Hire Entrepreneurs

Steve started his company from the ground up.  Now that he has people performing the company’s day-to-day operations, he thought it was time to try something new.  Steve is returning to his PC roots to use his 10+ years of experience for Schrock’s customers.

Some company owners are hesitant to hire people who have an entrepreneurial blend of talents.  A smart business owner is one who is willing to hire people who can do things he can’t do – or doesn’t have the time to do.  Rather than feeling threatened by an employee’s drive and ambition, smart business owners visualize the amazing things that could be accomplished if their company was able to harness those entrepreneurial abilities.

Steve Will Head Our Data Recovery Division

Just as entrepreneurs have a unique blend of talent and ambition, they also require a uniqe position that will motivate and challenge them every day.  Schrock plans on placing Steve in charge of our Data Recovery Division.

Steve is already training on the Deepspar Imager and the Salvation Data Hard Drive Doctor System, as well as a host of data recovery software suites.

Steve has some experience with software based data recovery and he is excited to expand his knowledge to the realm of hardware recovery.  He will be swapping drive heads in our clean room before you know it!

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