Christine Campbell Dentistry Launches Website With Schrock Innovations’ Assistance

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: October 14th, 2009

Christine Campbell DentistryChristine Campbell DDS wanted to create a website that communicated her practices’ commitment to dental health while at the same time differentiate it from their competition.

She knew what colors she wanted and some site styles she like but needed help to make her vision a reality. She contacted Schrock Innovations to bridge the divide.

Schrock worked with her step by step to turn her ideas into a design she liked. Once the design was created the Schrock Innovations team went to work creating a flash intro page that matched her design. Brad then worked with Christine’s office personal to assist them with the creation of the page content.

Their unique content helped the website stand out amongst its competitors in search engine rankings.

Christine now has a site that is expandable and ready to change with the needs of her patents and practice.

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