New Email Phishing Scam Targets Small Business Users

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: October 19th, 2009

In the past, phishing scams were almost always something people using Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo mail had to be concerned about.  But now a new twist to an old email scam has small business users calling their IT people almost daily.

Emails like this one are being sent out on a mass basis to people who are not using any of the mass-email services:

Dear user of the mailing service!

We are informing you that because of the security upgrade of the mailing service your mailbox ( settings were changed. In order to apply the new set of settings click on the following link:

Best regards, Technical Support.

If you look at the HTML code behind the “confirmation” link you will find that it is actually taking you to instead of

If you follow their link, you will see a page that looks like this:


The phishers want you to download an executable file that will probably infect your computer with a virus.

Our web staff has been taking questions from our customers as well as other confused email users who don’t have an IT person who would have sent them this kind of an email.

If you get one of these, just mark it as spam.  Whatever you do, don’t download the .exe file!

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