Schrock Innovations Wins
2009 Nebraska Retail Federation
Customer Service Business of the Year Award

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: October 17th, 2009

nebraska_retail_federation_logoYesterday I attended the Nebraska Retail Federation’s annual awards banquet and accepted the 2009 Customer Service Business of the Year on behalf of Schrock Innovations.

I am no stranger to political and business gatherings, but those in attendance at the NRF ceremony were not from the circle I normally meet up with at events.

At our table we were joined by several higher-ups from JC Penny.  Other sponsors of the event included Pamida, Walgreens, Target, and a few other big-name retailers.

We were among 30+ nominees for the award and some had traveled in from as far away as Kearney.

As each of the nominees was introduced we were asked to briefly talk about our company to the audience.

Its All About the Service

When it was my turn on the stage I asked the audience to raise their hand if they had ever had a computer problem.  Everyone raised a hand. Then I asked people who had someone to help them with their computer problems to put their hands down.  About 40% did, leaving a majority of people in the room with nowhere to turn for PC help.

I explained the Schrock Innovations was founded 10 years ago o help people with their computer problems – even if we were not being paid to help.  I explained that the Schrock approach was about building trust and relationships.

Schrockies in the House?

At the end of my presentation I asked if there were anyt Schrock customers in the audience.  6 people raised their hands (not bad considering there was no one from Omaha and 1/2 of the crowd was out of our Lincoln service area).

I asked them in front of the crowd if they fel;t special after they worked with Schrock Innovations.  They said that they did.

Thank You NRF

This award means a lot to Schrock Innovations and its employees.  On the eve of launching the biggest sales event of the year, our Holiday Sale, this award reminds everyone of the reason we are in business.  It’s not to sell hardware or software – we are in business to provide service.  Everything else will take care of its self if we take care of our customers.

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