Windows XP is Officially Dead

  • Comments: 13
  • Written on: October 23rd, 2010

Windows XP DeadAs of October 22, 2010 computer manufacturers (including local OEM companies like Schrock Innovations) are no longer permitted to install Windows XP as a primary operating system on new computers.

The only exception to this is if the customer buys a newer operating system on the computer like Windows 7, and then buys a second license for XP and downgrades the system.  This option will be supported through 2015.

With that said, the days of getting XP systems from Dell, HP or any other business provider are officially over.

In fact, and computer builder, local or otherwise, who tells you they can still build you a new Windows XP PC that is properly licensed with Microsoft is lying to you. Unless you buy 2 operating systems it can’t be done legitimately. (Trust me, you don’t want to call Microsoft’s bluff on licensing or stuff like this can happen to your company.)

One of the most popular questions I get on my radio show (now available free on iTunes)  is when will XP be dead?  I guess this is the final answer.

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