What are the Best Do it Yourself Web Hosting Service Providers?

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: January 4th, 2012

More and more individuals are exploring the possibility of creating personal websites that are not intended for business use.  Whether you are a home schooling mother who wants to create a WordPress website as a journal to benchmark the progress of your child, or if you are interested in expressing your views on the latest video game techniques, a personal website is an amazing way to get the job done.

There are literally thousands of website hosting companies out there to choose from offering varied degrees of service and always promising the lowest possible prices.  To help you cut through the clutter and select the company that is best for you, WPDesigner created a website that compares and contrasts the most popular selections so you can make an informed decision.

WPDesigner paid me to look over their website and provide our thoughts on what they were trying to accomplish.

Site Design:

The WPDesign website is easy on the eyes with a mild-earth-tone look.  With that said however, there is a reason that most hosting companies have text on a white background – its easy to read and understand.

WPDesign’s logo is a cursive font on a brown background, and if I didn’t know what I was looking for I might not easily see or remember it.

Site Functionality:

The selected hosts are laid out in a grid style that easily allows the user to easily see which one best meets your individual needs.

I also liked the posts at the bottom of the pages offering some insight into how to create a website with WordPress.  If you were thinking about doing a website on your own, these articles would be a nice cache of information that would answer many of the questions you didn’t even know to ask at this point.

I just happened to click the About link at the top of the page to learn more about the website’s creator and what their specific goal with the website was.  The link was broken and did not work.


WPDesign is a website that could really benefit a beginning personal webmaster identify a good hosting provider and get the information needed to deploy a basic WordPress website.

I think they need to do a bit of work on their site to correct some minor issues, but overall their information is useful, laid out nicely, and a valuable read.


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